Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Khmer Christmas

Earlier this week the children at the ODA orphanage (Orphaned & Disabled Arts organization) were each given $5 for Christmas and asked if they would like to use the money to buy themselves something special or to throw a big Christmas party for everyone. They choose a party and we were invited guests! When we were dropped off we were greeted by many smiling faces and a wreath of balloons and a scrawny Christmas tree that they had gone into the jungle to cut. The children were cutting pictures of Santa Clause and snowmen out of old wrapping paper to hang on the tree for decorations. This little girl, Sunshine, inspects the small pile of gifts under the tree. She was born with AIDS however her smile is bright enough to warm anyone's heart. She dressed up as a beautiful princess and we held hands while learning to dance Cambodian disco style in a circle following the steps of the older children in front.
This may have been an unconventional Christmas, however it is experiences like these that keep me traveling and dreaming of a better world.
Happy holidays everyone! xx

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