I took off with Dudley earlier this week to explore the Maine seacoast, something I've dreamed of doing since high school. I returned giddy, with a passel of shells, sunburn, and sand in every possible orifice of my vehicle.
Listen buddy, you are sooo far in the hole when it comes to owing me Dr. Pepper and Reese's Cups that I don't even want to tally up how much you owe me. =) Just add it to your overall debt. P.s. I charge interest.
My Blog has a new Home!
Come visit! I'll feed you delicious tidbits of information & share with you beautiful photies and we can commiserate about life & love over a hot piping cup of coffee.
Orifice? Looks like you owe me 50 less cents. Nice picture.
Listen buddy, you are sooo far in the hole when it comes to owing me Dr. Pepper and Reese's Cups that I don't even want to tally up how much you owe me. =) Just add it to your overall debt.
I charge interest.
Awesome picture.The dog was lucky.
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