On our 4th day on Sabang Island, we met a crazy group of Australian scuba divers with a penchant for fishing. They rented the boat, tracked down fishing line and poles and off we went into the sunset with a determined gleam in our eyes. Our fishing trip was a smashing success! Inge, even though from the South had never gone fishing before, hooked herself within the first 5 seconds of being handed the fishing pole. I hooked the biggest coral reef in the ocean not once, but twice! The Aussies had similar good luck and the only edible thing we managed to snag was a poor little chumi chumi (squid) on a lines we had dangling absent-mindedly behind our boat. Even though the trip wasn't obviously fruitful and our tummies were growling ferociously on our return, Inge's and my first sea fishing experience was definitely memorable!
Somebody caught a triggerfish! Those things are mean and have nasty teeth. And Inge has never been fishing????
-Sarah Vied
Isn't he the cutest wittle thing?! Deadly, bucktoothed and all! ;) And no, Inge was like a fish outa water holding that big ol' pole...we must have looked so unfisher-manly that the poor Aussies even reminded us to remove the plastic packaging on the fishing lure before casting it in...
these photos are so fantastic. i love so many... the octopus, the fish looking straight ahead... gorgeous work mandy!
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